Inexplicable Dreamatches

(Acrylics: 20X24)

Inexplicable Dream

I wake up. It won’t be long before daylight but I decide to fly anyhow. I know I can’t be out too long but I love to fly. It’s cool out and the sky is already beginning to blue. I see something ahead that seems to be floating in the air. I fly toward it and find inexplicable objects that have movement, emerging, functioning as a unit. There is a body with what seems like a funnel, where a head should be, catching coins dropping from a pipe that is part of some mechanism. Coins enter on the one end and are ejected out the other into the funnel on the body. I see a broken gold dollar sign but there is also an intact one. The broken dollar sign seems to have been ejected from the mechanism. There are two eyes looking at me. One large eye is behind the mechanism and the other hovers above it all. There is an object hovering, moving while hovering, above the assembled unit but I don’t know what it is or its function. They all seem to have a life of their own as they move in unison as if performing according to some design. I hover in flight, thoroughly fascinated but unable to explain or understand what it is I’m observing.
I wake up.


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